What is BGP Route Aggregation (R A)?
What is atomic-aggregate? What is aggregated?
Route Aggregation or
BGP route summarization is used to minimize the routing table size. Route
aggregate provides the flexibility to allow none, all, or a subnet of the
summary’s component subnets to be advertised out of the BGP table. Route Aggregation
minimizes the size of the global routing table, decreases the workload of
routers, and also saves the network bandwidth.
BGP summarization is more complex than IGP protocols because when we use the BGP router sub-command aggregate-address without any parameters, all the important information of individual route attributes is lost such as AS_PATH, we know AS_PATH is used for loop prevention. in order to summarize make sure at least one subnet is in the BGP table.
atomic-aggregate is a well-known BGP attribute. this attribute must be recognized by all BGP routers but it's not mean this attribute has to be included in all BGP updates. this atomic aggregate tells the BGP routers that is a result of route aggregation and some information could be missing.
aggregate attribute (aggregated by 65300 This attribute specifies the autonomous number and BGP router ID of the aggregating router.
I'm assuming you are familiar with IGP summarization. let's take a look aggregation command.
R2(config-router)#aggregate-address ?
advertise-map Set condition to advertise attribute
as-set Generate AS set path information
attribute-map Set attributes of aggregate
nlri Nlri aggregate applies to
route-map Set parameters of aggregate
summary-only Filter more specific routes from updates
suppress-map Conditionally filter more specific routes from updates
(When we configure the aggregate-address command without any additional then this command advertises the route with individual prefixes and it looks like this)
R3#show ip bgp
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 0 65200 i
*> 0 65200 65100 i
*> 0 65200 65100 i
*> 0 65200 65100 i
*> 0 65200 65100 i
(you can delete (suppress) these prefixes and you can tell the BGP router that only advertises the summary address but you need to add an additional command which is summary only. let's see what it looks like after adding a summary-only command)
R2(config)#router bgp 65200
R2(config-router)#aggregate-address summary-only
R3#show ip bgp
BGP table version is 46, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 0 65200 i
(Now the individual prefixes are gone but there is AS Path information is not available. this will happen if you do not specify any additional option to the command. it looks like a new prefix is born in the local AS.)
Let's see the configuration: -
Topology: -
- configure the topology as per the diagram
- assign the IPs to their respective ports as per the topology
- configure E-BGP as per the topology
- advertise the loopback route as per the topology
- configure Router_AS_65300 to aggregate routes without any additional command.
- configure Router_AS_65300 to aggregate routes with summary only
- configure Router_AS_65200 to aggregate routes with summary only